来自韩国丽颜堂的偌水rosy,以大家闺秀之风范,于2009年,翩翩来到中国。 进入中国市场的偌水rosy,延续其“纯净、天然和灵性”的品牌属性, 不进关心中国女性的身体,更关心中国女性的心灵。 在美容同事,加入养生原则,内外兼修,致力于开发和生产天然、纯净的健康护肤品,让现代女性在忙碌的生活中重拾自己的自由和美丽。
Scientific and Yen Ruo water rosy, ladylike demeanor, in 2009, Innocent came to China. Rosy, of the Ruo water to enter the Chinese market continues its pure, natural and spiritual "brand attributes Into not concerned about the body of the Chinese women, Chinese women are more concerned about the mind.








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