red elephant
小象专业母婴护理品牌,严选天然成分,力求精简配方,帮助构建肌肤保护屏障。以“爱无添加”为科研理念,定制分龄配方, 对孕期、婴儿期、幼儿期、儿童期提供针对性分阶护理方案。
The red elephant professional maternal and child care brand carefully selects natural ingredients and strives to streamline the formula to help build the skin's protective barrier. Based on the scientific research concept of "Love without Addition", we customize age-specific formulas to provide targeted and step-by-step care programs for pregnancy, infancy, early childhood, and childhood.



品牌标识源于大象妈妈对小象“持久的母爱与呵护” 。品牌理念“用科学孕育爱“来源于“以科学为始,满足妈妈所有对爱的挑剔”的科研宗旨。





红色小象产品配方由国内专业母婴洗护配方师团队、日本红道株式会社研发团队,遵循“用科学孕育爱” 的品牌理念,并从源头开始严选原料,科学分析原料各项指标,确保品质遵循国际标准。




The red elephant professional maternal and child care brand carefully selects natural ingredients and strives to streamline the formula to help build the skin's protective barrier. Based on the scientific research concept of "Love without Addition", we customize age-specific formulas to provide targeted and step-by-step care programs for pregnancy, infancy, early childhood, and childhood.





The brand identity originated from the "lasting maternal love and care" of the elephant mother to the baby elephant [1]. The brand concept "Nurturing love with science" comes from the scientific research tenet of "starting with science and satisfying all mothers' picky about love".






lubobrand studio

QQ/315358902 154554319  Web/lubodesign.com.cn



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